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REMnux - DVD

REMnux: A Linux Toolkit for Reverse-Engineering and Analyzing Malware.
Availability: In stock

NOTE: This distro comes on a DVD. Please ensure that your system will read from a DVD before ordering.

This is NOT a bootable disk. The DVD will include the REMnux virtual appliance file in OVA format. You must import this into your favorite visualization application to run it.
See the REMnux website for more info.

REMnux® is a free Linux toolkit for assisting malware analysts with reverse-engineering malicious software. It strives to make it easier for forensic investigators and incident responders to start using the variety of freely-available tools that can examine malware, yet might be difficult to locate or set up.

The heart of the project is the REMnux Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. This lightweight distro incorporates many tools for analyzing Windows and Linux malware, examining browser-based threats such as obfuscated JavaScript, exploring suspicious document files and taking apart other malicious artifacts. Investigators can also use the distro to intercept suspicious network traffic in an isolated lab when performing behavioral malware analysis.

The REMnux distribution includes many free tools useful for examining malicious software. These utilities are set up and tested to make it easier for you to perform malware analysis tasks without needing to figure out how to install them. The tools installed on REMnux can help you:

  • Examine browser malware
  • Analyze malicious document files
  • Extract and decode suspicious artifacts
  • Handle laboratory network interactions
  • Review multiple malware samples
  • Examine properties and contents of suspicious files
  • Investigate Linux and Windows malware
  • Perform memory forensics

REMnux Documentation

The one-page REMnux cheat sheet highlights some of the most useful tools and commands available as part of the REMnux distro. It’s an especially nice starting point for people who are new to the distribution. You should also take a look at the listing of tools installed on the REMnux distro.

To get started with the REMnux distro and become familiar with some of its tools, consider tuning into the following recorded webcasts:

More Information
Media TypeDVD
Disc TypeInstall Disc
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