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Scientific Linux 7.3 - DVD

Scientific Linux is an Enterprise Linux rebuild sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Scientific Linux is a rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (property of Red Hat Inc NYSE:RHT).
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Availability: In stock

Version 7.3 Release Date: January 26, 2017

NOTE: This distro comes on a DVD. Please ensure that your system will read from a DVD before ordering.

Scientific Linux is an Enterprise Linux rebuild sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Our Mission: Driven by Fermilab’s scientific mission and focusing on the changing needs of experimental facilities, Scientific Linux should provide a world class environment for scientific computing needs.

Our Goals:

  •     Provide a stable, scalable, and extensible operating system for scientific computing
  •     Support scientific research by providing methods and procedures for enabling the integration of scientific applications with the operating environment
  •     Use the free exchange of ideas, designs, and implementations to prepare a computing platform for the next generation of scientific computing

Scientific Linux is a rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (property of Red Hat Inc NYSE:RHT). 

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Media TypeDVD
Disc TypeLive Disc
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